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Training & Development Center 


Our mission is to help organizations create vibrant workplaces by enabling effective communication, driving workplace change, team building, and staff development.

Employee Africa training services
Staff Development services by Employee Africa
Workshops by Employee Africa
Team Building


The purpose of team building activities is to motivate your people to work together, to develop their strengths, and to address any weaknesses. Our team-building coaching sessions are focused on internalizing the knowledge acquired by the employees during our workshop coaching sessions.

Leadership Coaching


We help leaders on how they integrate what they know, do with other leaders and the people they lead. We assist leaders to learn integration and implementation tools which can help them to lead effectively . Leaders who are not able to integrate, are not able to lead. Integration is a vital skill each leader must master especially in this era. It helps leaders to map a direction, be more strategic and also the know how on leading in new territories.

Staff Motivation


Motivated employees are an asset to an organization, they are directly proportional to an organization’s success. Therefore, employee motivation is intangible, difficult to measure, and extremely difficult to control, but very easy to facilitate if done right. It’s all about intention, intensity, and perseverance.

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Staff Development Videos
Personal Development to Drive Teamwork, Performance & Productivity


Watch our CEO Mompoloki Makwana leading a staff development session for BIFM team recently at South Africa during their staff retreat.

Organizational Culture & Its Impact on Team Resilience


Company culture shapes the workday of each employee every day. This cannot be taken for granted if you have clear and specific strategic goals to meet. You must create an aligned culture that will bring the desired results

Self Awareness & How it Drives Teamwork, Productivity & Organization Growth

Self Awareness drives personal excellence, team work & organizational growth. Knowing who you are and what you possess is your power. Here is clip of what I shared with the team at Ministry of Finance this past week.

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